

All Freestyle boards are handcraft made in a 3D shape with a vertical Poulownia bond within the core. This core material is presently the most break resistant on the market as well as in the dynamic Flex.

The board bottom surface is made of a sub plastic foil to provide maximum protection of the bottom side.

As well the boards top surface is available in many different noble wood variations, which can be individually selected and designed.


Three different lengths are available: 130cm/ 132cm/ 135cm. These are possible from 38cm up to 43cm in width.

These shapes are a result of intensive collaboration and fantastic teamwork with our professional team rider of the Company TWO.AG. We guarantee performance, which is needed for our World cup riders to chase a step on the winner’s block.  As a result of the three different flex zone layer, the important body joints of our riders are well prevented from damage.



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